Fully-vaccinated Hollywood celebrities wondering why they are suddenly getting COVID-19, cancer and worse

August 12, 2021

LOS ANGELES — It is settled science at this point that so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” 1) do not stop the spread of COVID-19, 2) cause all the so-called variants, and 3) will eventually kill you within a year or two if you received the real injections and not a placebo. We’ve seen reports that upwards of 80% of the mRNA and viral vector DNA vials being administered to the general public now are placebos.

Granted there’s no way to prove the foregoing, barring Congressional testimony from a whistleblower. But several videos exist of pharmacists opening sealed boxes of “vaccine” vials and finding blank inserts that are supposed to have information on ingredients, safety, efficacy, side effects, etc.

Of course mainstream media propaganda employees “fact-checked” all these videos and came up with unprecedented levels of deceit and manipulation to justify the blank inserts. But it makes perfect sense for most or at least half of vials to be placebos. Pfizer et al. are running clinical trials on both unwitting and willing participants for the experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA injections until 2023 and later.

The placebos, likely identified by lot numbers, are the reason why some people have no adverse reactions. But the placebos are also why the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization are pushing for the “third booster shots.” If they didn’t get you in Round One, they will in Round 2. Regardless, the controlled clinical trials are complete farces.

Vaccine trial administrators have revealed the vaccination status (placebo or actual intervention) to all clinical trial participants. Many in the placebo groups then opted to get the real injections. Thus there are no control groups to compare to the intervention groups. It’s all charade, and no amount of true science and facts will sway the cult followers.

Established science on COVID-19 “vaccine” dangers and ineffectiveness

Here’s something this blogger never thought he’d write. The United States government has enacted Muslim bans, China bans and immigrant bans from south of the border. But a Zionist ban was unfathomable until 2021.

Israel travel ban

The U.S. State Department placed Israel on its Level 4 “do not travel” list yesterday due to mass COVID-19 outbreaks. These outbreaks are happening despite 60% of Israelis being fully vaccinated, according to the New York Times tracker.

Further, The Times of Israel reported that 14 people who received the third “booster shot” contracted COVID-19. The Israeli Health Ministry recorded 7,700 new COVID-19 cases (mostly Delta variant) between May 1, 2021 and July 1, 2021. Only 72 of those cases were people with natural immunity, versus over 3,000 being fully vaccinated.

CDC admits vaccines don’t work

Forget Israel. Let’s talk United States. The CDC released a study on July 30 about Barnstable County, Massachusetts. It found that 74% of July COVID-19 cases were fully-vaccinated people.

The study also concluded that viral loads in fully-vaccinated people were slightly higher than the non-vaccinated. Thus the CDC admitted that these injections have no purpose other than making people sick. Of course, none of the foregoing matters to the die-hard cultists.

The Gilbraltar Example

The tiny British territory of Gibraltar has a population of about 34,000 full-time residents.

Gibraltar is 99% fully-vaccinated, and has been that way since May 4.

There were no more than two new COVID-19 cases per day in Gibraltar from June 1 to June 22. That number has rapidly increased, peaking at 31 new cases per day by July 20, a 3,000% increase, according to the Financial Times. The number now hovers around 27 new cases per day.

Then look at all the so-called “breakthrough cases” we’ve covered since March. So again, it is established fact that these injections do nothing but harm people. Dr. Dan Stock of Indiana went viral simply for speaking truth and objective science about these lethal injections this past week.

The story of John and May Cropley is also worth mentioning. The Scottish couple was married for 50 years. Both were fully-vaccinated and died of COVID-19 within 12 hours of each other.

But the “vaccine is good” narrative continues unabated in mainstream media and big tech. Idolatry is the primary weapon to make this work.

Glitch in the Matrix with celebrities

Celebrity worship is a world illness. Fauci has become Jesus Christ to the die-hard cultists. The powers-that-be use Hollywood people as their minions, their henchmen, to disseminate and reinforce dystopian propaganda. Sean “Jeff Spicoli” Penn is calling for mandatory mRNA injections for all of Hollywood. Regardless, the “those guys are fags” line from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” is still absolutely hilarious.

But again, unless it’s prearranged and staged, these injections do not discriminate. And several Hollywood “vaccine” die-hards are learning this the hard way.

Christina Applegate – Multiple Sclerosis

The former “Married… With Children” star announced Tuesday on Twitter that she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS is an autoimmune disorder with no known cause. Of course we’ve covered numerous cases of post-injection autoimmune disorders. Whether it’s straight-up convulsions, dystonia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or some other disorder we learned about in 2021, these shots definitely cause them.

There is no definitive proof that Applegate, 49, received one of the experimental injections. But she appeared on a Ryan Seacrest radio show back on March 26. Seacrest said something about a dream that he was getting his “vaccine” and the administrator asked him if he wanted to work with Christina Applegate on a project.

Applegate responded, saying she hasn’t left her room in a year due to COVID-19. Then Seacrest said “we should get our vaccine when we can.” Applegate said, “this is true, but I haven’t gotten mine yet.”

Kathy Griffin – Lung Cancer

The 60-year-old comedian and actress announced August 2 on Twitter that she has lung cancer. There are two things that stick out in the tweet. Griffin pointed out that she has never smoked a cigarette (or, we assume, never worked in an asbestos-infested factory), but still contracted lung cancer. The second part is both bizarre and telling. Griffin said, “I am fully vaccinated,” and insinuated she would rather have lung cancer than COVID-19.

Griffin underwent surgery that same day to remove half of her left lung. We covered the story of former Atlanta news anchor Jovita Moore contracting brain cancer 12 days after her Pfizer injections.

Reba McEntire – COVID-19 despite being “fully vaccinated”

The 66-year-old country music singer did a TikTok livestream on August 6. At the 21-minute mark, here’s what she says:

“I just want to say one thing: this has been a hard year and it’s getting rougher again. You guys, please stay safe. Wear your mask. Do what you have to do. Stay home. It’s not fun to get this. I did get it. Rex and I got it and it’s not fun. You don’t feel good. We were both vaccinated and we still got it, so stay safe, stay home, and be protected the best you can.”

In other words, the true, objective science is once again correct. These injections have no tangible benefits, unless you consider adverse reactions benefits.

UPDATE August 19, 2021 – Melissa Joan Hart confused as to why she has “COVID-19” despite being fully vaccinated. It’s not COVID-19, Melissa. You poisoned yourself.

Heidi Ferrer – Suicide

Ferrer is the least famous of this group. She is best known for writing several episodes of the late 90s/early 2000s teen television drama series Dawson’s Creek. Ferrer committed suicide on May 26. The narrative is that she had “long-haul COVID” and the symptoms led her to suicide. But most of the mainstream media stories leave out very important details.

Nick Guthe, her husband, said Ferrer received an experimental Moderna mRNA injection on March 8. Despite making certain to say he’s “pro-vaccine,” he described his wife receiving the injection as “a fatal mistake.” Here is what he said, according to TooFab:

A lot of long-haulers felt [it] could improve their symptoms. In her case it had just the opposite effect. It set her back to where she was last July, and also led to the neurological tremors that were very scary, almost like Parkinsonian tremors that kept her up late at night, and made sleeping impossible. I think she just felt that she was only going to diminish, she was going to lose the ability to walk, end up in a wheelchair, not be able to bathe herself.”

The interview was originally conducted by CNN. But of course they diminished the role of the injections.

But does any of this matter?

The answer is no. The hope is that the general population see their idols’ stories, snap out of the mind control, and regain some semblance of critical thinking. But that appears highly unlikely. COVID is a cult. “Vaccines” are the sacrament. Fauci is the God. We’re dealing with religious zealots who are willing to die for their experimental mRNA and viral vector DNA. Everyone else must be ready to die for freedom, liberty and justice.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


COVID Legal USA and The COVID Blog are still going strong despite the recent Paypal ban. However we are running about 10 days behind on email responses. There’s also updates on white pine needle operations. We need your help more than ever.




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Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
3 years ago

I don’t see any Hollywood A-Listers dropping from the Clot Shot (yet). How much do you want to bet the A-Listers just get a saline injection?!?! These are the same slugs that live in massive homes and fly around in their private jets every month yet lecture us stupid people about saving the planet and going green. Rules do not apply to them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

I agree… for all we know they gave Joe Biden a shot of Hennessy when he did that fake ass clinic set up for the injection……

3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

Ive seen a propaganda commercial video where they used a retracting needle

3 years ago
Reply to  sunburn

the prime minister of Belgium got a shot- with the cap left on the needle! LOL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daz

As did Sadiq Khan, Mayor of stab city, a.k.a. London.

3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

Yup. You got it. They showed Anthony Hopkins getting it. The nurse was roll playing. They didnt know they were being recorded and she emptied the syringe into the air after acting like he got the shot. Its all B.S. They consider themselves the illuminati.

joel stuart
joel stuart
3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

they won’t be missed…

Robbin Debobbin
Robbin Debobbin
3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

Bob Odenkirk?

2 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

I thot this whole article is about Hollywood being wrecked as well. Look at the great coverage Brian did on Celine Dion, and the ridiculous Wendy “Shade” Williams!
Not that I enjoy ANY human suffering, but ruthless liars have to be stopped somehow.

Nothing but vax-hell could’ve kept Gavin Gruesome from his photo-ops & party plans for 2 weeks @Holloween?? -except a reaction from that supposed booster he took on-air
“to be an example.” for the cult.

That heathen is the reason single Christian working parents were told their kids would have 2stay home if given a religious exemption in CA ..which was thankfully delayed -any of you know why?

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I see that Newsom was one of Clown Slob’s students a few years ago. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, an EVIL creature with a very evil plan.

3 years ago

I don’t know if I believe that 80% of these injections are placebo. SPARS 2025-2028 scenario predicts that most adverse affects (neurological and death) from the vax won’t be seen until 6 months to a year later. It takes time for the prions to grow in the body. Those who died almost immediately, as bad as it sounds, are probably the lucky ones.

Buzz Saw
Buzz Saw
3 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

I volunteer at an wildlife rescue center and none of us have taken the suicide jab. We all use the nickname “Prions” for people who received these death jabs.

What out for the Prions!!!!! Lock your doors, the Prions are coming!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Buzz Saw

So much for compassion. If this is really an atrocity as you say, the victims should be helped.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tara

Where’s their compassion when hundreds of thousands are losing their jobs over this? Hidden in language such as “good riddens”, “I hope they die”, or the ultimate in humanitarian concern, “We should deny them health care”?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tara

No they should be culled for non-fitness. We can’t continue with people who won’t even find out what’s being injected in their bodies after 20 years of being lied to by the government that’s pushing it. That even after they get sick from the jab, say they’re so glad they’re vaccinated. That force kids to wear masks and get poison jabs when they have basically zero chance of dying from a (non-existent) virus that is flu. The future requires people who analyze, question and decide for themselves with a reliance on God. These vaxxidiots worship false gods and deception.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

I think you are absolutely right. Prion disease, or mad cow disease as it appears in the bovine population is sickening to watch. Prion disease of course cannot be cured and the body must be incinerated after death or it will infect the soil if it is buried.

2 years ago
Reply to  MGMG

Absolutely correct. A woman from Romania posted that these freaks wouldn’t go to the expense of mass-producing tons of worthless vials when they can control the toxin amount by batch lot and deliver a small set of saline vials for the “Elite.”
I could’t agree more that those who die immediately are the “lucky ones” -at least in terms of earthly suffering.
Wait till they link to “the internet of bodies” & the poor trans-humans don’t have the luxury of suicide.
That 5-month period in Revelation is coming:
“Their torment was like ..when a scorpion strikes a man. 9:6: “In those days people will seek death and not find it; they will desire to die and death will flee from them.”

Note the reference to scorpion poison injection.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris
Me Me
Me Me
3 years ago

May God help these people to wake up to the truth!

2 years ago
Reply to  Me Me

The hardest thing to do is to realize that the people or principles you so believed in actually lied to you or were a lie (if they were a belief system). To try and convince them that the “vaccine” will kill them is impossible. Just walk away. Besides, an unvaxxed person will get severe complications from being too close to a vaxxed person. It is not the unvaxxed who make the vaxxed sick. It is the vaxxed who make the unvaxxed sick. God can more easily get the truth to them after they have passed from this life.

3 years ago

“The placebos, likely identified by lot numbers, are the reason why some people have no adverse reactions.“

I’m not certain but I do believe there are Saline shots in the mix around the world between all the various companies pushing the injections… My hunch on it is that they in this first phase they (the cabal) only want to eliminate those the LEAST Crucial at this time to furthering their plans… Perhaps they would have felt it would have been too obvious if EVERY SINGLE person took the injection and died .. perhaps they got a roulette going here to keep doubt in the mind of those following the MSM and who chose to be clueless to all presented about the vaccine death rate …the “useless feeders” (in the canals words not mine) are those who believe all their lies on tv and online and may or may not work a job they deem beneficial to their agenda like (politics/defense/judiciary etc) … I know several who’ve gotten the shot and have been ok so far but perhaps in time that may change… The people I’m referring who work in the industries I listed above and are heavily indoctrinated… Time will tell… interestingly enough a day or so ago, they mandated that all military personal in America must get it the injection now and they plan to make it a required injection for active duty 🤔 guess the rumors about the armed forces getting saline shots up until now may hold up until now may hold water…. All speculation on my end … The cabal has EVIL wicked minds creating this madness…I’m but a novice trying to ponder what’s the full scheme in their wicked brains… it like trying to pry into the mind of serial killers…..

Last edited 3 years ago by loveisallweneed
3 years ago

Don’t forget Bob Odenkirk. He’s already suffered a heart attack. He’s a big poison pusher on social media, even bragging about his suicide injection on Twitter. Exactly 14 weeks out from the poison shot he had a heart attack. He also got his shot in Albuquerque, New Mexico and obviously got the poison and not the placebo, which he would have likely received if he did it in Beverly Hills.

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Yes, I am curious about the impacts and geography!.. Most people I know have not had any downside, yet. hmmm??….

3 years ago
Reply to  Toots

In my small world, I am seeing mostly the elderly suffering after jab reactions. No young folks yet. Time will tell.

2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

Aside from the obvious increase in deaths from the vaxx in larger populations of the elderly, as revealed often on alternate social media platforms by health care workers in those arenas (nursing homes, group homes, etc.), the general effects are subtle in the elderly—loss of cognition; confusion, stupor…

If you reflect on any older people you know, pre- and post-jab, you may sense a decline in their functioning. My one 73-year-old cousin seems like a shell of herself, mentally, after getting the jab.

Ruby Martin
Ruby Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  farmerz

In my area I have seen very few adverse events but my brother and his family 2 hours north (in Northern Virginia) are all very ill: heart attacks, bursting blood vessels, prostate cancer, menstruation that never ends… It does seem to be some areas were targeted at first with the real kill shot. But my elderly neighbor just got a booster yesterday and showed up at my door looking like death warmed over this morning and I had to help him walk back to his house – maybe 30 feet from door to door. (Of course I immediately made white pine needle tea, took 3 mg of IM and a slug of black seed oil before the spike shedding could get me.) So it looks like boosters may be a kill shot for everyone.

John McClane
John McClane
3 years ago

Assuming any of them are actually suffering because of the jab. I’m probably one of a small few who feel this way, but i have no sympathy for any of the degenerates in Hollywood, they all have blood on their hands in one form or another, they go out of their way to promote every evil agenda under the sun, from LGBTPERVERTS to Abortion, to the toxic ideology that is feminism, all 3 are some of the greatest evils this world has and ever will see, the rotten fruit and detrimental consequences of each speak for themselves aswell as a simple comparison to how things used to be and how they are now shows we are way past the toilet bowel and almost at the bottom of the sewer, as far as morals and values go, what’s right is seen as wrong and vice versa now. These people have been fundamental in destroying the entire world with their poisonous influences, at least 2 entire generations, mine (the millennials) and the upcoming one. They have been using their influence to push this death jab but won’t take responsibility for the consequences that comes with it. Take that young girl Maddie, 13yrs old, paralyzed from the waist down and has trouble eating and drinking. Will any in Hollywood help her? No. Do they know she exists? Unlikely. Do they care? No. Will they be there to pick up the pieces and be there to give that young girl the constant help she now requires on a daily basis? No. So, why should we care about them? They are expendable, they aren’t at the very top of the Elite pyramid, so eventually their usefulness will come to an end and they will die like the rest of us ordinary folks. Plus, when you think about it, you have people like Jennifer Aniston cutting off her Unvaccinated friends, encouraging others to do the same, so they are literally helping not only create a world of totalitarianism, but helping demonize and marginalize those who won’t bow down. It’s again, preparation for when the anti-Christ is in power, we Christians will be the “problem” in society that need to be taken care of (eradicated), just as they are labelling the unvaccinated as the bad people, right now. It’s leading to lots more innocent blood bring shed and crimes against humanity, so i say, let these people get every bit of what they deserve, its long over due. I could write a whole lot more on this, believe me.

3 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

Do you have have legal aged daughter!?! I’ve been banned and shadow banned off all online dating sites, which are cesspools of half wit functional retard system lemmings anyways. I thought it was hard enough finding someone who knew about 9/11 zionist false flagerry and the holohoax, but at least those frauds were more or less removed from peoples’ lives and were easy enough to deprogram people about eventually once they trusted and respected me.
But now with the medical martial law, totalitarian tip toe global CONvid scamdemic, everything has been purposefully made to be way more convoluted through the classic divide and conquer side picking; It’s wishy washy as to whether it exists at all, as it hasn’t been isolated but is instead a computer generated scam in that sense, or if it does exist as a mild bioweapon, it’s not actually even abnormally harmful, since there is no increase in all cause mortality in any country that can be directly attributed to any respiratory style so called novel virus itself, whereas the imposed reactions are what is causing the increase in deaths in certain jurisdictions.

Ruby Martin
Ruby Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  John McClane

The blaming of the unvaxxed will get worse, once food shortages arrive the vaxxed will be offered incentives for turning in unvaxxed neighbors and friends.

3 years ago

I think whether or not they got the real shot depends upon how useful the useful idiot still is.

I think Sean Hannity from Fox and Don Lemon from CNN (both pushing the death shots) are the type of men who would likely get a placebo; because they are very high level useful idiots still convincing millions to make a bad choice; and thus they are marvelous mouthpieces for Big Pharma.

Thus getting rid of them (at this juncture in time) would make no sense.

However if they ever go off the reservation and accidentally or intentionally start telling the truth; those in charge will simply end their careers with a contrived “sex scandal” or some other nonsense.

But as for the low and mid level useful idiots; I think they have served their purposes and their time is up; the head of the AFL-CIO mysteriously died just a week after making a video imploring his union members to “take the jab”.

Everyone has their expiration date; and just about everyone is expendable to the guys running the show.

3 years ago
Reply to  dddd


3 years ago

well– one point. It DOES matter. This is very sad! These illnesses and suicide are tragic and much more of a personal burden than you could imagine. I have a friend who just came down with cancer only a few weeks after his “one and done” injection, and following a very bad, related immediate reaction. I recently noticed a reference to a new study that links Cancer to these vaccines!- Unbelievable!!.. My friend also is extremely witty, like Kathy Griffin. I’ve been overwhelmed by it–so sudden & unexpected. Each one of these diagnoses is very sad!..
All you can do is try to help and spiritually transcend this situation!…

3 years ago
Reply to  Toots

I have never before in my life seen the phrase “extremely witty” in the same sentence as the name Kathy Griffin, but ok.

3 years ago

Cannabis might help with some vaccine side effects. Cannabis is neuroprotective—meaning it coats brain cells and offers some level of protection.
We know the vaccines have neurodegenerative effects—Guilles Barre, brain fog, atypical Parkinson’s. What protects the brain protects from the prions set loose. Cannabis may also help blood cells and the immune system to combat spike proteins, whose count the vaccines explode and can contribute to capillary blockages.
Do not suspect placebos as the effects of the vaccine—and the mutations it produces through ADE—could be delayed. Consume cannabis and pine needle tea & fennel seeds, maybe curries & pungent spices.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnP

The vaccine is supposed to include an anchor that keeps the spike protein in the shoulder tissues. But that anchor is failing, and the spike is being found in the blood as soon as t he next day after injection. That means it travels to any cell that has ACE2 receptor activity and binds to it, no matter where it is. The heart, lungs, ovaries, kidneys, brain, liver, and testes all have these receptors. These cells then reproduce the spike protein and when the immune system discovers this, it attacks those cells and destroys them, causing inflammation in the process, which is behind the miscarriages, the heart issues, and everything else that is going on.

I don’t care how much pot someone huffs. This is the same mechanism of action as lupus, which is closely related to Guilles Barre. Not saying it’s going to hurt, but it is not just the brain that is going to register problems and the reason for that is not that there’s not enough immune response its that the immune response will be targeted against cells that the body would never attack under other circumstances.

2 years ago
Reply to  LordKwll

Agree with all you said except the part “it was supposed to stay in the arm.”
Lol-WHAT? IT’S LIQUID- going into liquid BLOOD! Why tf would it “stay” ..just lol.
The ignorance behind any dr or rep even saying that is unfathomable.

3 years ago

“COVID is a cult. “Vaccines” are the sacrament. Fauci is the God”
–No even… Fauci is the Pope or high priest. “Science” is the God.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy

Fauci is not the Pope, he just works for the Pope. He recently received a pope-like Vatican award this past spring when he hosted a “health” conference in Rome. Research The Fourth Session of the Council of Trent and The Jesuit Fourth Vow, instead of the nincompoop nurse who advises people to research the vaccines that are not even vaccines ……that have never been unleashed on a human population before.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kimmy

And the CDC is the church.

3 years ago

Man most of these people getting the shot and dying are shallow, vein and virtue signaling wack jobs. No humility. Bragging and self promoting. Like they are something special. Just bad examples of human beings

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
3 years ago

And finally my free salt water cure to save you all from Coronavirus, BEFORE it ever gets to be Covid and from those vaccinations!!:

“Even so, a key issue is that the current vaccines block severe disease but do not prevent infection, said Dr. Gregory Poland, a vaccine scientist at the Mayo Clinic. That is because the virus is still capable of replicating in the nose, even among vaccinated people, who can then transmit the disease through tiny, aerosolized droplets”
Reuters – what my free salt water cure stops.

The Achilles Heel of Coronavirus, is while it is still in the developing stage as Coronavirus/Covid in the warm, wet areas inside the nasal passages of your head (nose) and before it gets to become Covid in your head and lungs, 10 to 14 days later. If Coronavirus is not treated with my free salt clean water cure to flush out your nasal passages, as soon as possible, or during self isolation, it becomes Covid, which is where the money is. You cannot catch Covid! Always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth shut, because you really don’t want the Coronavirus to seed itself in your lungs!! My free salt water cure has “absolutely nothing” to do with mRNA test vaccines. Treating Coronavirus with my free salt clean water cure, flushes out the nasal cavity and kills Coronavirus, before it gets to be Covid, irrespective of if you have had mRNA vaccines or not. Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm or cold clean water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives. If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity. While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfulls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Bronchitis there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done. Pour some of the solution on a flat surface and allow to dry and see what you have then. This is what coats the nasal passages in your head and kills Coronavirus/Covid off. You can see why it is so effective. This is what I have done for the past 26.5 years and I am NEVER ill, nor do you need to be either.

Keep safe. Richard

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

Snorting warm salt water is an excellent treatment for many ills, highly recommended.

KarlM Alias
KarlM Alias
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

H202 works better. Destroys all viruses/bacteria on contact, even at very low concentrations. Nebulise it at first sign of symptoms.

3 years ago
Reply to  KarlM Alias

saline sinus rinse +
steamer +
nebuliser (but have to dilute H2O2 properly tho for nebulizer)

(should also work as detox if one is being around by those vaxxed)

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Noakes

Or just trust in your immune system to handle it.

Lisa Espinoza
Lisa Espinoza
3 years ago

There’s a video from the UK where a government official discusses the Noravax clinical trial. He states that those receiving the vaccine and those receiving the placebo will both be considered vaccinated as far as documentation is concerned. I texted my vaccinated sister who worked in clinical research and she stated, “that makes absolutely NO SENSE. But it’s clear that it’s a stage three clinical trial”
I purposely texted her so that she could see the hypocrisy for herself…

3 years ago

“We’ve seen reports that upwards of 80% of the mRNA and viral vector DNA vials being administered to the general public now are placebos.”

Holy cow, never dreamt of this angle but Bingo, that explains it all. How else can it be so lethal to a few but benign to most? Explains the elite sickos always smirking on interviews, making their insane decrees & mandates to control us while they party and travel happily like no plague ever existed.

Wow how they must be having a laugh watching the sheep running around bleating in terror while obediently kissing their rulers feet and eagerly taking the safe & effective serum. Plus the random sudden deaths for extra kicks. Just as in the days of gladiators and feeding prisoners to lions in the Colosseum for entertainment.

Are they placing bets? Gradually ramping up the drug vs placebo percentage as the mass gaslighting takes hold? Celebrating depop/reset milestones (who actually thinks the recent party in Martha’s vineyard for ‘sophisticated vaxxed’ was really just a B-day??)

Amin Abdullah
3 years ago

Up to 80% of the injections might be placebo !!???. I am disappointed. I was hoping that very soon I won’t have to struggle to find a parking spot. No more placebo please, we are all in this together.

Justinians Flea
Justinians Flea
3 years ago

“We’ve seen reports that upwards of 80% of the mRNA and viral vector DNA vials being administered to the general public now are placebos.”

I enjoy your articles and willingness to allow discussion of facts now banned almost everywhere else, however I strongly doubt that we are seeing actual placebo’s administered.
I suspect that the mRNA manufacturers may have already shipped different versions, and its probable in my view that the mRNA ‘boosters’ are actual different injections for a specific reason noted below.

I think that, in fact, the actual health leadership figureheads have almost no idea what they are even talking about in many cases, function effectively as mRNA salesmen at this stage, and in some cases were actually involved in the creation of the “rough beast slithering toward Wuhan to be born”.

To quote Dr Francis Collins, from this June –

“The new evidence shows that protective antibodies generated in response to an mRNA vaccine will target a broader range of SARS-CoV-2 variants carrying “single letter” changes in a key portion of their spike protein compared to antibodies acquired from an infection.”
“What’s more, antibodies acquired with the help of a vaccine may be more likely to target new SARS-CoV-2 variants potently, even when the variants carry new mutations in the RBD.”


Collins seeming assertion that mRNA vax’s are proven especially effective against RBD (receptor binding domain) mutations are beyond PREPOSTEROUSLY at this point.

First of all, the mRNA vax’s he noted do NOT specifically target the RBD of the virus (receptor binding domain) – the ONLY US approved vax to do that is the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which – notably – is the only Covid ‘vaccine’ which has not been designated to need a third booster shot, at this point. Both of the mRNA vax approved for use ARE now issuing additional shots, because, in real life – unlike the claims of the NIH study – both fail to stop infection with the whole Spike Protein based vax, which is seeing more mutation/substitution in the spread of US infections.

The third shot is most likely to be an essentially different injection, which was redesigned to attempt to plug gaps in observed mutations. The RBD is also mutating, but this has largely been a factor outside of US populations, which is why they are quietly – with no explanation – telling the J&J injectees that they do not need to get the “extra” shot.

As the wild virus Spike mutates, these reliably evade the vaccines, which was predicted long before the first injection was administered. The virus can hide in animal reservoirs perpetually, and you would need a sealed nation without international travel to keep it out . Forced vaccination of the entire global population is impossible, and the Spike/RBD have now been repeatedly defeated by the virus sub/deletion/mutation’s – EVERYWHERE – all over the planet, as a result of our over-reliance on tech promises.

You can pretty much sum up the entire global progression, mismanagement, and monetization of the manufactured Covid fiasco, in Skakespearean prose – “”The fault.. is not in our stars, But in ourselves”. Illness is a factor of life and while we need to focus efforts on determining who funded and weaponized this virus, each of us personally needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet and weight to avoid the worst consequences. None of these individual health preparations required a ‘vaccine’.

What is really relevant at this stage, even more so that the misinformation or editing of what info is permitted to be disclosed by the medical controllers and ‘experts’, is the “war against the recovered”, who – alone – have real protection from the virus. The “Anti-Immunity Denialists”, most of whom hid in the basement of their McMansion for a year while the rest of us remained in the workplace and dealt with real life, are determined to force a failed tech onto those who don’t need it, and did not hide from life.

Shakespeare opined that “”The fault.. is not in our stars, But in ourselves,”..
however the outcome comparison of this world event more than hints at another phrase of less-classic origin – “Pay me now, or pay me later..”

3 years ago

I’m not sure what Dr. Collin’s background is. i doubt many “experts” have actually treat or even cure any C19 patients. If they have not done any clinical work that is effective, they should just shut up.

why are they talk as if the natural immunity was inferior to vaccine (or even non-existent)

natural immunity (innate or acquired by infection) is superior : broad spectrum & long lasting. This is Immunology 101.
saying vaccine induced immunity (assuming it worked) is better is akin to saying a pilot who has train only a simulator can handle accidents than one who’s done actual flying.

i also don’t get why “asymptomatic” infection or exposure is such a scary thing.
doesn’t it just mean the immune system is working as it should be. duh.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

They have managed to convince these idiots that acknowledging natural immunity will cause people to have infection parties to get immune. So what they’re really saying is they think people are actually stupid enough to do that, but in the process pretending that the people who have already had COVID and survived don’t actually exist, so there’s no need to account for them. A classic case of false dilemma and appeal to exaggeration and absurdity.

3 years ago

it’s either ADE.
But given that the injuries by “trans-fection” injection are caused largely by spike proteins, & the symptoms are the same as C19, i wonder if these breakthrough cases are actually vaxx injuries.

2 years ago
Reply to  pam

 I wonder if these breakthrough cases are actually vaxx injuries.”


2 years ago
Reply to  Leonie

PS: Did the term “breakthrough cases” for illness despite vaccination exist before the plandemic?

Anyway, those in power (until Jesus takes over) were very fast to apply this term starting from January 2021.

Loch Ness
Loch Ness
3 years ago

My mother in law, 92, died one month after her second injection, lungs full of tiny blood clots.

My cousin,50, got severe kidney pain and went to hospital, 2 days after her injection.

My neighbour, 60, had both shots, had a bleed on the brain. Hospital couldn’t find the cause.

Another neighbor, 43, had both shots, epilepsy has progressed and now has longer periods of activity and very painful periods.

I only have a couple of neighbors

Amin Abdullah
3 years ago
Reply to  Loch Ness

Hey, at least you can thank big pharma for alleviating the moron load around you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Loch Ness

What’s rough is that for every story like yours we hear on the other side, “Everyone I know got the shot and they are all fine!” So they take the shot themselves. NP! Why the differences, I’d really like to know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

read “The Winnowing” by Isaac asimov

2 years ago
Reply to  nargun

Will. Thanks. Love Asimov haven’t read him in years.

Karen Christy
Karen Christy
2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

i don’t get the epidemiology, either.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

There is a control group who get the saline placebo. This is in every trial. There are clusters of different side effects from the different ingredients of the different vaccines. Boston had 5 Jet Blue pilots die within a short period this year after vax. In Australia there was a cluster of HIV positives.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kriss

It’s a great question.

2 years ago
Reply to  Loch Ness

Wow. Unbelievable.

Colleen Huber, NMD
Colleen Huber, NMD
3 years ago

Where is the best database to report secondary side effects / spike protein shedding from COVID-vaxxed people?

3 years ago

This blog, word of mouth to all your friends……..anything that is not “official” or “mainstream”. I get more info in the comments section of my favorite sites than I could ever get from the mainstream news, geared for 5-year-olds audience.

Only God is my Judge
Only God is my Judge
3 years ago

“It’s not COVID-19, Melissa. You poisoned yourself.” Ah, classic Brian!

3 years ago

It’s encouraging to think that 80% of the shots administered already are placebos. I hope that is true. However, we now know what the real shots are doing to blood platelets and there’s ample proof from a Pfizer whistleblower that the “secret ingredient” in these shots are graphene oxide…….basically lead. There is no new thing under the sun………lead has been used in the past to kill, although lead paint may have a protective effect against 5G frequencies. That’s why the government banned it IN PAINT, as they are trying to ban anything that is actually healthy for you, like real meat and some vitamin supplements. What is going on in the US is just good old Nazism, and why not? Operation Paperclip brought in hundreds of Nazis after WWII. One thing about Nazis is that they kept impeccable records. Somewhere there exists an accurate record , perhaps kept by one of those Nazi descendants in the CIA, of how these “vaccines” were rolled out and who, if any, received the placebos and who did not, and maybe even who was targeted. Remember, people at first had to make appointments and answer questionnaires before receiving the injections. Maybe those 20% being targeted can be found among those records. Just a thought.

2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

Recent testing of a 2017 flu vaccine found graphene oxide. This mRNA destroys your God-given immune system and replaces it with this epic fail.

2 years ago
Reply to  Liz

There was a doctor explaining on a video, perhaps German, who explained how even placebos have inert, harmful ingredients in them. If there are “placebo” shots given out, who knows what was left in while the mRNA was left out. Pure lab rat time with these clot shots.

Robert Henry
Robert Henry
2 years ago

Good article. I’ve learned plenty about illnesses during the Plan-D.

2 years ago

It is interesting to see this strange reasoning as in, “Thank God I got the shot because my illness (COVID, cancer, etc) would have been so much worse.” How, exactly, do they know that? There is no parallel timeline in the universe where we could observe what would have happened had they not been vaccinated. Indeed, their illness could have been much better or even non existent had they not received the injection. We simply don’t know. It’s also interesting to me how people justify getting vaccinated when they contract COVID as in, “It would have been so much worse without the shot” instead of, “these vaccines don’t work”. It truly is a mind game where you can’t wake people up who have bought in hook, line, and sinker. I have never seen anything like it before in my entire life. There is no logic in their thinking.

I had a distant friend become frustrated with me yesterday because I suggested via email that these shots are all about consolidating power and control. He believes this thinking is overly paranoid and that the vaccines should be mandated. His wife’s fully vaccinated older mother is sick with COVID and not doing well. Apparently, she was exposed to someone with COVID who was not vaccinated. So instead of blaming an ineffective vaccine, my friend blamed the unvaccinated person. He said the same thing, “Thank God she was vaccinated or it could have been worse.” But what I thought (but didn’t say) is, “Couldn’t this be a case of ADE where his mother-in-law actually contracted a worse case of COVID?” Her viral load could be far higher because of the vaccine. I did ask if she had received early treatment and suggested some drugs and websites that would be helpful if he was interested in obtaining repurposed drugs. But I could tell my friend was set on the cause of the problem…the unvaccinated person. I knew he wouldn’t pursue the repurposed drug route.

We really need to ask why safe early treatment has been suppressed in favor of these vaccines where people have died and experienced bad side effects.

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago

I take insulin for my diabetes and in every package is a pamphlet FULL of information about the insulin, including that medical formula that supposed to describe what’s in the insulin. BUT, what’s IN THE COVID “VACCINE” THAT – THEY – ARE PUSHING SOOOO HARD FOR EVERYBODY TO TAKE?

Phil C Uriarte
Phil C Uriarte
2 years ago



Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

The vaxxed victims have all the necessary data, but they refuse to make the mental connections. When evil influences someone, it does its dirty work by playing games in the middle, while preventing you from seeing the truth at either end.

2 years ago

I had to laugh like hell –slaughterhouse 5

Petra Sarmiento
2 years ago

It is the 5G towers and satellites of Elon Musk that will deliver directed energy frequencies within the 10 to 60Ghz range to the entire vaccinated population which will eventually kill them. Graphene oxide (researched by Laquinta Columna) or graphene dioxide (as researched by Dr. Andreas Noach who was later assasinated by the cabal )found in the jabs react to electromagnetic frequencies emanating from cellphones and 5G towers. A proprietary ingredient, the substance is self assembling in the bodies of the jabbed and forms as nano-routers within hours of poking. This facilitates surveillance using the signals these emit to satellites and nearby control towers creating the internet of bodies or collectively, the hive mind. The psychopath billionaire cabals have already achieved their agenda at this stage. More to come until 2030, where Israeli Yuval Noah Harari, top advisor to WEF’s Klaws Shwab predicts the end of free will. They forgot to consider, shall God, who gave us free will, ever allow them to do this to us? This is a satanic blasphemy and merits for the person an immediate
fall into hell to suffer forever. The Russia Ukraine war is just a distraction for the death of hundreds of millions of the jabbed. Everything has been already planned and scripted decades ahead.

2 years ago

‘We were both vaccinated and we still got it’. Do these people not realise the stupidity of that statement?

1 year ago

No member of royalty has had an adverse reaction or died. No member of the WEF has. Coincidence of course.

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